Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


Authors fear that they may not show sufficient awareness of their debt to
the people who make their books possible. In this vein I hope that I will be
forgiven by the many for citing only the few. Among my colleagues I would
like to thank Professor Edward Whittaker for conscientiously reading and
reviewing several chapters on electronic properties. I am additionally grateful
to Dr. W. Moberly, and Professors W. Carr, D. Smith, and A. Freilich for their
critical comments. However, the bulk of the review process was performed by
many excellent but anonymous reviewers who are the unsung heroes of this
book. They offered encouragement, and much good criticism and advice which
I tried to incorporate. I am solely responsible for any residual errors in my
understanding of concepts and wording of text.
Some very special people to whom I am indebted sent me the beautiful
photographs that elevate and give life to the text. In particular, the contribution
of George Vander Voort must be singled out. This exceptional metallographer
not only provided many excellent micrographs but taught me a bit of metallurgy
as well. I also wish to acknowledge Dr. R. Anderhalt and Mr. Jun Yeh for
their respective scanning electron and optical micrographs.
The software was the result of a multi-man-year team effort in which major
contributions were made by Dmitry Genken, Tom Harris, Dr. Dan Schwarcz,and Eugene Zaremba. Professors W. Carr and D. Sebastian are owed thanks
for evaluating the software.
I am grateful to all of those at Academic Press who had a part in producing
this book including Jane Ellis who encouraged me to undertake its writing,
Dr. Zvi Ruder for his support of this project, and Deborah Moses who so
capably guided and coordinated the complex pubHshing process. Others who
deserve thanks for many favors are Noemia Carvalho, Pat Downes, Dick
Widdecombe, and Dale Jacobson.

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